Capture the essence of the celebration...

To learn what a wedding photographer truly does requires understanding the significance of the wedding date in a couple’s life. It extends beyond showing up with photography equipment; it involves conducting recce of venues, anticipating lighting challenges, and fully engaging with the atmosphere of the day to capture the essence of the celebration.

I tell a visual tale that encapsulates the essence of every wedding. As a wedding photographer, I begin my day long before the first guest arrives, ensuring every piece of equipment is primed for the task ahead.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

I capture the details...

Having an experienced wedding photographer behind the lens ensures that every laugh, tear, and tender look is immortalised with style and sensitivity. 

Wedding morning prep is my time to capture the build up whilst catching details - your venue, the rings, the dress, the shoes - whilst all the time having an eye out for how the day is unfolding. I capture what is happening - I hardly ever set up shots - I like my work to reflect real moments from the day.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Mary & Andy's wedding at The Ashes Barns, Staffordshire

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography


Adapting to different wedding celebrations means being versatile in approach—a rustic barn calls for a different style than a grand ballroom.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Tell the story of your day...

From morning prep to your first dance I am ready to make your wedding moments come alive!

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Candid photography...

As your guests wait for you to walk down the aisle - I'm in full candid mode!

Candid photography captures natural expressions and moments that might not be possible to reproduce with posed shots.

This style of photography is most often used to capture people in their natural state without them noticing the camera.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Unique style...

Every photographer shoots with their own unique flair, and it’s important for clients to identify photographers whose style resonates with their vision for their day.

My natural unobtrusive style of photography means lots of candid moments with Romantic portraiture and a splash of free lensing to give atmosphere.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

It's not just taking photos...

When photographing weddings, there’s an art to not just taking photos, but to document the wedding in its purest form.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Every wedding is unique...

I specialise in tailoring my services to the couple’s unique narrative. I am rarely at the same venue twice which really keeps my creative juices flowing!

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography


As a wedding photographer, I’m entrusted with the significant responsibility to document the essence of each couple’s special day. Whether it’s the grandeur of opulent wedding venues or the intimate gathering of the wedding party, photographers like myself are seasoned in adapting our approach for every unique celebration.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Authenticity & Flair...

So for anyone looking to document their special day with authenticity and flair, know that a photographer like me stands ready to encapsulate your memories in the timeless craft of wedding photography.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Knowing when to take a breath...

Capturing moments of importance during the ceremony calls for a knowledge of wedding ceremonys in general - my images are considered rather than unrelentingly clicking away, desturbing the wedding guests and not noticing things around me...

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

The right kit...

Using the right lenses for the job means I can capture the all imaportant shots without having to be right next to the couple. It's important to have the right kit for the job, which for me means Prime lenses and zoom lenses. Yes it does mean I carry a lot of heavy kit but it means I am never without the right lens.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Taking charge...

When it comes to setting up shots, for example the confetti shot, I wrangle guests in a polite manner (no one wants a bossy photographer shouting orders) I take charge so these images take no longer than they need to - letting my couple and their guests get back to the business of celebrating!

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Let the day unfold...

In the time after your ceremony I am on candid's again... letting my couple relax, safe in the knowledge that I have got it covered. This is the drinks reception - you and your guests will be chatting and mingling, not noticing my camera.

Group shots...

Behind-the-scenes orchestration that ensures a successful wedding day. Let me take you through the symbiosis of art and organisation that epitomises a wedding photographer’s responsibilities. We are talking of course about the 'Group shots'. Whilst the well oiled wheel of the venue is turning I will be organising groups, sticking to the list my couple have given me. Again it is essential for this part of your day to take up as little time as possible. Being able to crowd manage isn't easy but it's part of the job!

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Couple shots...

Dependant on the time of year, I may need to get your couple or 'newly-wed' shots done during your drinks reception. I tend to leave it until after I have taken the group photographs. This is an extremely important part of my job - if not the most important part. It is also a very important for the couple to have some 'alone time' after the rush of the first part of the day.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Time to consentrate on eachother...

I take you away from your guests for no more than 20 minutes - to take some truly beautiful images for you to cherish... I pick quiet beautiful spots around your venue - out of the way of your guests which helps if there is still a bit of nerves. I keep this part for the best light of the day & I 'suggest' poses if & when nessessary - I am not a strict photographer! This is time which my couples use to just 'be' in that moment and consentrate on eachother.

Work closely with your venue...

Harnessing the skills to juggle multitude tasks is part and parcel of a photographer’s role. It’s about ensuring everything runs smoothly when it matters most.

When it comes to your venue - they are quite rightly incharge. I have to plan my time during the day to ensure my couples are 'on time' and where they should be for the day to run smoothly to the venues timings.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Once your venue have completed setting up your wedding breakfast room I am on hand to capture every last detail.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Your wedding has taken so much hard work - your efforts demand immortalising with a picture.

Time for a kiss - Mary & Andy taking 5 after viewing their wedding breakfast room.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

The speeches...

Although the speeches are better captured by a videographer - photographers can still capture the visual. Finding the best angles to capture the moments.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Capturing the fun...

Having the appropriate lighting kit really makes all the difference for these 'Sparkler Shots'. A photographer needs to be ready for any light conditions.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Mary & Andy managed to coax a few brave guests to come outside to capture these sparkler shots! It was Halloween and quite cold out!

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

Evening reception...

Back inside the day moves to the evening recepton. This is a time for candid photography and sometimes flash photography (light dependant) I prefer to use the ambient light of the venue to capture candids as flash takes the suprise element out of it a little. Again - having a photographer who is confident in all lighting situations is essential.

The First Dance...

As the band warm up ready to play to Mary & Andy's guests I am busily setting up my off camera flashes to capture their first dance. Again - the correct lighting is paramount to capturing the Bride & Grooms First Dance.

wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography
wedding photography by Rose and Rainbow Photography

As the slow music fades from the First Dance - the band begin to play something to get the guests on the dancefloor. I have already moved my flashes to a higher spot and I position myself right in the middle of the dancing to get some great shots.

I head for home...

Once I am sure I have all that I need to tell the story of my couple's day I say my goodbye's and take my leave. My day isn't over as once home I set about saving all the images I have taken onto 3 separate devises. From managing the hard drive space needed to store thousands of images to ensuring the day runs as planned, the behind-the-scenes work of a wedding can be as intense as the shoot itself. One wedding may require me being there for just a few hours while sometimes I can be there for around 12 hours, which needs careful planning and the ability to adapt to routines that don’t always go as planned.

The best photos are a result of meticulous preparation and an ability to capture every spontaneous laugh, tear, or dance move.

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